
  • Edmonds Engineering, Inc.

    Edmonds Engineering believes in the importance of teamwork and enriching the future for our youth. EEI was kind enough to make a donation to the team to aid in expenses for the parents.

    Thank You Edmonds Engineering!!!

  • Morgan Ridge Honey

    Morgan Ridge Honey is a small, all natural producer of honey in Ashland City, Tennessee [just outside of Nashville]. Morgan (owner) is a family member of one of our Queen Bees. Morgan was kind enough to make a donation to the team to aid in expenses for the parents.

    Thank You Morgan Ridge Honey for sponsoring our little Queen Bees!!!

  • The Dawg Patch

    The Dawg Patch is a pet boarding and grooming shop located in Springville, Alabama. The have many customers that love the "family treatment" their pets receive.

    The Dawg Patch was kind enough to donate to this year's 6U team. Thank You from the Queen Bee's!!!